Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Values

We believe that in the right environment life flourishes. The following statements frame the values which create an environment that produces healthy lives.

  Relationships. People matter to God, so they matter to us.

 God is all about building healthy relationships. He led the way. He created us to be the objects of His love. We chose otherwise but God undeterred came into our world in the person of Jesus, the Christ. He lived with us, built a relationship with us, then gave His life for us. All because we mattered to Him. Now we respond to God’s love by learning to love Him. As we learn to love Him, we grow in our ability to love others.

Creativity. Serving matters to people, so we strive to be our best.

Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. God has gifted each of us with the opportunity to share the love with one another. We love others by helping them in their time of need. Since people matter, it matters how we share the love with them. Creativity is the key, since no two people or situations are alike. We develop the skills God has given us and in God’s name we offer what we have to anyone who asks.

Life’s Journey. Attitude matters in serving, so we live with enthusiasm.

Hope. It’s contagious. The more you know God and His love, the more infected you become with hope. That’s what love delivers. Life is a gift from God. The walk through life is our search for God, the search for love. We embrace the journey each person is on and we engage them with love. The possibility of who God might bring our way and the life transforming wonders He is capable of ignites compassion for others.

Truth. Focus determines attitude, so we stay true to God & His Word.

Negativity. Seems the world is full of it these days. The toxic nature of the negative can easily turn one's attitude south. To prevent the negative drift, an anchor is required. We have found truth to be the one stabilizing anchor in a sea of negativity. Truth stays true. God is unchangeable and His Word will never leave you guessing. We hold firm to Him and the Truth recorded in the Bible to keep our attitudes faith full.